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Messengers is an upper elementary aged youth group for 9-12 year olds led by Raygen Samone and hosted at Inverted Arts. During the eight week program we will draw out the Creation story by asking questions like:

-Why did God give us night?

-Imagine life without daytime. What would you miss?

-Why is the sky important?

-How are humans different from animals?

-Why is it important to rest after creating?

Each lesson will be followed by an introductory lesson to an art form: photography, videography, scrapbooking, painting, drawing, beat making, animation and poetry.

The 8 sessions all lead to a Juneteenth festival that will be planned and led by the teen group iMAGE bEARERS with the theme “I AM”, inspired by and in celebration of, the collection by Raygen Samone. The Messengers will be invited to showcase their creations at the festival!